If you would like to invest in the smart apartments from the Nadolnik Compact Apartments development but you feel daunted by local tax regulations, we have a solution for you.
For ultimate peace of mind and full compliance of statutory and commercial regulations, you may wish to use the assistance of a tax adviser bureau with your administrative and accountancy needs. We would like to recommend our trusted partner bureau of Jędrzej Pietrowicz (national tax advisers registry number 132).
We have co-produced a scheme with Mr Pietrowicz’s bureau experts that is transparent and gives you full control over your investment’s financial gain without any effort into the accountancy process on your part.
All you need to do is at the time of purchasing a smart apartment to sign three different power of attorney declarations that will allow the bureau to act on your behalf in terms of tax registration, returns and refunds.
From then on all bookeeping and tax procedures are taken care of for you. What’s more, you are also granted access to an online portal where you can submit relevant invoices you generated yourself for the bureau’s attention.
The fee for this comprehensive accounting and administrative service is 4PLN a month (that’s about 1 euros) – and you can actually add this to your costs for further tax deductions.
Please get in touch with us to find out more about the service.